8 Big Reasons To Re-Invest In A Nintendo GameCube


zelda twilight princess

I am the proud owner of a 100% completed, Gold/Grey Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time N64 cartridge so, as you can imagine, I’m quite the fan of all things Hyrule and the Gamecube is the Mecca for Zelda fans worldwide.

It all started with a goofy, cel shaded adventure and exploded from there. The Wind Waker was a triumph in its own right but combining the release with playable versions of Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask and the fiercely difficult OoT Master Quest was inspired – I lost years to that gaming bundle.

Add in Twilight Princess just as the GameCube’s reign was nearing an end, and you’ve got a lot of Link to love. And still, the superb Super Smash Bros. Melee (more on that later), Soul Calibur II featuring Hyrule’s finest plus Four Swords Adventures AND using your GameBoy Advance as a peripheral in itself and so on and so forth.

All you can say is… HYAAAAAA!


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.