8 Big Reasons To Re-Invest In A Nintendo GameCube

2. Massive Brand Tie-Ins

Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2

The Xbox had Halo, Fable and Blinx to keep you occupied as ‘Only on Xbox’ titles and the PS2 relied on Crash, Jak & Daxter and Lara Croft to tempt your loyalty – very impressive, but they needed a lot more to see off the tiny titan, Gamecube.

For a start, everyone loves Pokémon. Accept it, you definitely do otherwise you wouldn’t check how your eggs are doing on Pokémon GO every time you walk anywhere. Where’s the only place you can get Pokemon? Nintendo. Were Colosseum and XD the best Pokemon games of all time until the 3DS got involved?

Yes. Case closed.

When you think Nintendo secured the services of SEGA, Capcom, Bandai and several other huge studios along with GameCube exclusive Star Wars titles (Rogue Leader <3) and the in-house giants (Mario, Zelda, F-Zero, Starfox etc) you have to concede defeat and power up your GameCube immediately.


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.