8 Big Reasons To Re-Invest In A Nintendo GameCube

1. Super Freaking Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros Melee

How could anything else be at the top of this list?

This game didn’t just make the Sony and Microsoft offerings look shoddy by comparison; it also made dirty protests all over its fellow Gamecube exclusive titles. The behemoth battle royale sold 7.14 million copies worldwide - the biggest selling GameCube title of all time; beating off Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi’s Mansion.

As a solo prospect; the Classic, Adventure, All Star, Event and Challenge modes gave players more than enough to be getting on with but it just didn’t stop. Bonus stages, characters, events and heaven knows what else made you continue playing until you had everything you could possibly have – including the pesky trophies – and then you were ready for round two.

Then there's multiplayer. Forget Xbox Live or PSN where you have next to no idea who you’re up against – get your friends round and put your hours of practicing and unlocking to good use. No one ever took losing a SSBM tournament well, and it always results in another, and another and, well, guess what I’ll be doing for the foreseeable future...


Think there’s something else that justifies dusting off your Gamecube? Comment below and be judged!


Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.