8 Deleted Video Game Levels & Assets That Change EVERYTHING

5. Mapping Your Face Into The Game - Perfect Dark

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Back in the early 2000s, roughly two years before they were bought by Microsoft, Rare released Perfect Dark. Just before the game was released, Rare showed off a prototype of the game at E3 with a feature that was removed from the final product: the "Perfect Head" mode, a face-mapping feature utilizing the Game Boy Camera.

Nintendo of America producer Ken Lobb went on the record just before the Perfect Dark's release, specifying that the demise of the feature was due to "insurmountable technical problems".

There has been some speculation that the feature was not removed due to "technical problems", as Mr. Lobb would have had us believe. Many believe that a string of school shootings in the US, following the Columbine High School Massacre in April 1999, may have forced the family-friendly Nintendo to remove the feature.

Whether or not they were pressured into removing the feature or not, several references to this mode are still hidden within the code. Thanks to the tireless work of The Rare Witch Project group, it can be modded back into the game through the use of emulation.


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