8 Deleted Video Game Levels & Assets That Change EVERYTHING

4. Aerith Lives?? - Final Fantasy 7

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Aerith's death has been a longstanding source of gaming myths and April Fools content since Final Fantasy 7's release back in 1997. Many have tried to revive her to no avail, with some desperate souls turning to hacking the game in a bid to bring back their long-lost waifu.

There are plenty of exploits that achieve the same result, like the now infamous "Yuffie Warping" glitch, but no official means of bringing her back have ever been discovered. This makes it all the more strange that inserting Aerith into scenes that take place after her death does have some odd results.

Whilst these snippets of dialogue from Aerith don't offer up anything particularly groundbreaking, the fact that she has specific lines for events that take place after she's already died does imply that Aerith's death may have been implemented quite late into the games development.

If you're curious, you can see some of these instances of dialogue here, or alternatively if you have an entire weekend to spare you can browse through the entire Final Fantasy 7 Unused Text Project for every example of Aerith's cut dialogue.


Lewis Parker hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would tell you to follow him on Twitter @LPCantLose, and to make sure you stay hydrated.