8 Deleted Video Game Levels & Assets That Change EVERYTHING

3. Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore & Timothy Dalton - GoldenEye 007

Much like Rare's previous entry in this list, Goldeneye 007 features a rather unfortunate example of cut content. By using a Gameshark device, it's possible to find portraits for Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton with the games files, all of whom have played 007 onscreen.

These four portraits are remnants of a cheat called "All Bonds" that would have allowed players to choose any of these characters for use in the multiplayer mode of the game. It's assumed that the cheat was scrapped just before the release of the game due to legal reasons, as Rare likely didn't have permission to use the actors likenesses.

In 2005, the Rare Witch Project once again released a mod that allowed players to replicate this cheat using a emulated version of the game.

In doing so, modders SubDrag and Ice Mario found that fully modeled suits and faces for each individual Bond existed in the code for the game.

These models could then be swapped out with assets of one of the other multiplayer characters. Considering the complete state of these models, it's safe to say the decision to remove them probably took place not long before the game's release.


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