8 Deleted Video Game Levels & Assets That Change EVERYTHING

2. Motorbike Levels - Streets Of Rage 3

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At some point during Streets of Rage 3's development, two unique motorcycle stages were planned. These stages had your character commandeering a motorcycle to take the rage off the streets and onto the roads, either by dodging oil drums being flung at you or by straight up punching some other dudes on bikes.

Considering some of the data for these cut stages is still present in the game's files, it's uncertain exactly why they were axed from the final product. Attempting to load the levels through the use of a cheat device won't softlock the game, but is a waste of time considering how unfinished and unplayable the levels are.

However, several enterprising souls have taken to finishing these levels and reinserting them back into the finished product. Romhacks of the title exist that go by the Japanese title for the game, "Bare Knuckle III: Directors Cut."

The motorbike levels have been mostly restored, along with the lost Round 6 hidden areas that were also cut from the final release. The romhack is, sadly, no longer being worked on and somewhat buggy, but still well worth checking out for any Streets of Rage fans.


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