8 Evil Video Game Choices That Came Back To Haunt You

5. Killing A Monk - King's Quest II: Romancing The Throne

call of duty modern warfare dog
Sierra Entertainment

So on the grand scale of "things you probably shouldn't do" I'm pretty sure that "killing a priest inside a church" is going to be right up there with "using a baby as live shark bait", therefore is it any wonder that such thinking (the monk murder to be clear) is punished heavily in King's Quest II: Romancing The Throne?

Now to be clear, the King's Quest series isn't exactly known for its seriousness, preferring instead to tell tales of fantastical adventure through a surreal and humorous lens, but even suggesting that you kill a holy man inside his own church is enough for the title to put it's foot down.

If you use the "kill monk" command then the game will present the following message before booting you right back to the start screen

"Anyone who would kill a man of the cloth doesn't deserve to play this game. Therefore, we will end it."

However, what makes this especially funny is that this evil choice actually does come completely full circle in the fan remaster of this game where the monk is actually an evil cult leader and you have to kill him in order to proceed!

Looks like it's time to dust off the old bishop bashing stick!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.