8 Fallout Companions With Surprisingly Dark Pasts

5. MacCready - Fallout 4

Fallout 3

One of the few NPCs to appear in both Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, Robert Macready is one of the potential companions for the Sole Survivor in the Bostonian ruins.

In Fallout 3, MacCready serves as the mayor of Little Lamplight, a settlement built into a series of caves populated entirely by children, then once residents turned 16 they were forced to leave including MacCready himself.

In between the events of the two games, MacCready became hardened by his expulsion from Little Lamplight and traveled through the unforgiving wastes, working mainly as a gun for hire. Later he would meet a woman named Lucy and have a child of his own while attempting to distance himself from the horrors of his past.

Unfortunately, one night while the family took shelter in a metro station they were attacked by a group of feral ghouls with Lucy being torn apart in the process.

The sight of the mother of his child being dismembered clearly changed MacCready, and the Sole Survivor can find him in Goodneighbour during the events of Fallout 4.

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Adrian Bishop hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.