8 Fallout Companions With Surprisingly Dark Pasts

4. Veronica - Fallout New Vegas

Fallout 3

Veronica Santiago is a Brotherhood of Steel scribe that the Courier can recruit as a companion during Fallout New Vegas. Veronica lives in the secret Hidden Valley settlement alongside the small contingent of Brotherhood members that are stationed in the Mojave desert, but spends most of her time acquiring supplies away from the bunker and can be found at the 188 Trading Post.

Like most members of the Brotherhood of her generation, Veronica was born into the organisation, with her mother and father serving as a scribe and paladin respectively. However, Veronica's parents were both killed in a battle with the NCR while she was just a child and from that point on she was raised by Brotherhood elders.

Veronica fell in love with a fellow female Brotherhood member, but with the group's necessity for procreation and widespread homophobia, the pair were forced to end their budding relationship by the group's leader Father Elijah.

Considering that both her parents are dead and her only romantic relationship was quashed by those that raised her, Veronica has a surprisingly positive disposition in-game.

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Adrian Bishop hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.