8 Gaming Heroes You Didn’t Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

5. Jason Brody - Far Cry 3

The story and themes within Far Cry 3 are fairly problematic at best - being the initial boob-fuelled way the game was unveiled that flowed into the 'bro-like' nature of the campaign itself, and then just the horrific script and voice acting that compounded an otherwise amazing game.

Your progression throughout is supposed to take you gracefully from unassuming frat-boy into tribal warrior, cutting your teeth on the spears of the population endemic to the island itself, only stopping to level up and headshot the occasional shark for skinning and crafting purposes.

Hang on a minute though...

The game gives you two possible endings (wasting one of the best villains in recent memory with the very-quiet-NOW-HE'S-SHOUTING Vaas along the way); one of them leaves Jason on the island sans any now-slaughtered friends, meaning with his incredibly jarring transition from shots-lover to castaway tribe-leader will surely drive him over the edge should any of the island's many gangs or animals not get him once old age sets in.

The second ending shows a ship leaving the island, which you can assume Brody is on, yet even so the traumatic events the man has been through - even when putting them down to some crazy survival-instinct fever dream - are going to haunt the poor lad for years to come, most likely leading to him returning to the island or going off to skin something down the local eatery to make an arrow holster.

You all know what happened to the LOST castaways to make them try and return, and none of them had to put up with an overly-friendly nipple-slipping tribe leader asking them to stab their other halves.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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