8 Great Trailers For Underwhelming Video Games

5. Neverdead

Oh, Neverdead, what happened?

When this game was announced it created quite a stir over its “body dismemberment and decapitation mechanics.”

The trailer showed off some of this gameplay with elements tearing player character, Bryce Boltzmann's, head off in order get to those hard to reach places. Lovely!

It was accompanied by an original Megadeth song and it certainly gave us an impression that this was going to be a lot better than what we eventually got. With some cool visuals and a solid presentation, it was a fun ride the whole way through. The trailer is actually more enjoyable than the game.

The story of the game follows Bryce as a man cursed to be immortal who is seeking revenge against demon king Astaroth for killing his girl. The wise cracking hero is definitely not aided in some shoddy gameplay that feels less fun than doing some Sunday chores.

2011 was a great year for some really progressive video games and this was set to be one of them but somehow, it just failed.

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Semi-Professional goofball, probably not that guy your parents warned you about