8 Great Video Games That Take Place In A SINGLE Building

6. Resident Evil

The stanley parable

The Resident Evil games like to take place within small secluded areas. It makes sense as the series hasn't quite gone full zombie apocalypse yet so outbreaks need to take place in singular locations.

The most iconic of these locations is easily the Spencer Mansion from the original Resident Evil. Whilst you can technically leave the Spencer Mansion to go to the boarding house, it's a building associated with the mansion so I'm going to look at Resident Evil as a game that takes place in a single building. You can't exclude this game from a list like this.

The game works well in "one" building due to how slow-paced everything is. You'll spend a lot of time in individual rooms solving puzzles and slowly fighting off monsters.

Looking at future games in the series where action has become the focus you'll notice the areas to explore get bigger, see Resident Evil 4 as a prime example.

A singular semi-realistic building can only be the sole location in a full-length game when you're not rushing through every room mowing down every enemy in sight with a machine gun.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.