8 Hardest Gears Of Wars Bosses

4. Ukkon And The Hydra - Gears Tactics

Lambent Berserker

The latest game in the franchise, Gears Tactics is the first to take a break from the third person shooter style of the others in favour of a turn based strategy. It's a terrific game, with challenging albeit repetitive levels.

Sadly, the campaign is rather light on story and has only three significant boss battles. Though it's fun facing off against a brumak and corpser in a turn based setting, they are rather simple battles. Turns out they were just appetisers for the main course. Throughout Gears Tactics, you're constantly chasing down lead locust scientist Ukkon, the one responsible for many of the monsters we're so used to seeing. Problem for us is, he's got another monster up his sleeve that we haven't yet seen.

After tracking Ukkon down to his laboratory, he unleashes the Hydra, which is essentially a Reaver jacked up on anabolic steroids. Trapped in a circle, and your team split into two, the final battle is a punishing affair where one wrong move can end it all. Going into it you need to ensure every perk will benefit the battle, and you have the best armour to protect your squad, otherwise that crimson omen will be seared into your eyes.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.