8 Hidden Video Game Cutscenes You Were Never Meant To See

3. An In-Game Prank (Uncharted: Golden Abyss)

An underrated and overlooked entry into the Uncharted franchise, the Vita exclusive Golden Abyss was still a bloody good time, and has one of the best easter eggs in the entire series.

Towards the end of the game in Chapter 31 Drake and Marisa come across a preserved mummy, killed years ago with a sacrificial dagger. On any of the regular difficulties the scene plays out exactly the same, with Drake revealing some plot details and pulling out the dagger. Pretty straight forward.

On the unlockable Crushing difficulty though, the devs decided to surprise players with an alternate take on the scene. Instead of staying dead, the corpse jumps unexpectedly at the characters, scaring the real-life actors and eliciting laughter from the rest of the team.

The devs kept it in as a joke, acting as an immortalised, fully-rendered version of the prank.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3