8 Hidden Video Game Cutscenes You Were Never Meant To See

2. Jonathan Blow's Life (The Witness)

The Witness has been described as being the perfect puzzle game, but its initially-calming exterior quickly gives way to challenges that border on being brain-burstingly impossible. Fortunately though, in a title as densely detailed as this, there’s no shortage of hidden moments and nods to discover in the lush environment - but one in particular is just plain odd.

Towards the start of the game you’ll be shown through a garden as part of the tutorial, tasked with a simple line puzzle to solve. If, however, you don’t fancy using the given materials, you can throw caution to the wind and instead try to pull down the sun itself, which, weirdly enough, you can do.

After completing the hidden puzzle you’re rewarded with a long (and I mean long) cutscene presented through the eyes of creator Jonathan Blow, in which players go about his rather mundane day-to-day life. It’s strangely entrancing and comes utterly out of nowhere, giving a direct insight into the mind of the developer. Making you a witness, if you will. Alright, maybe that's giving the game too much credit.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3