8 Hidden Video Game Modes You Never Knew About

4. Hidden Zombies Mode - Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4

spider man ps1

Since Call of Duty: World at War, Zombies mode has been almost as popular as the main Call of Duty series itself. The unique gameplay incorporating survival horror, fourth-wall-breaking, ray guns and perks in the form of branded beverages has proven a welcome change indeed from the standard cover-shooting warfare the franchise is best known for.

2018's Black Ops 4 decides to have a bit of fun with this formula, hiding it within the main game's multiplayer mode instead of featuring it as its own separate category in the menu.

Additionally, the Zombies mode can only be unlocked via a method that's more than a little unintuitive.

In the Nuketown map, shooting off all the mannequins' heads within 2 minutes causes a missile to launch towards the sky from the central turntable. After this, an explosion will seemingly rip a hole in space, and dozens of colourful zombie mannequins rain down from the sky and make a beeline for you.

Et voilĂ , an in-game Zombies mode! As you'd expect, this mode gets harder and harder the longer you survive, so don't get complacent or your unfeasibly huge player character may get a plastic appendage straight through the chest.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.