8 Hidden Video Game Modes You Never Knew About

3. World 1-1 - Dying Light

spider man ps1

Another game about killing zombies, but this one goes for survival horror and relentless enemy crowd control right off the bat.

Dying Light is, for the most part, exactly what you'd expect. It's a place, there are zombies in it, and, using whatever weird implement of death you can cobble together from what you find, you have to kill them. As gorily as possible.

Aside from a few one-liners by the protagonist, Kyle Crane, the game absolutely has a serious tone, so any secrets or easter eggs you might hope to find would surely follow its example, right?

Nope. And this secret is so simultaneously well-hidden and blatantly obvious that you just have to go seek it out right away.

In the Southwest corner of the Old Town map is a chimney with a small green pipe sticking out of it. Look familiar? Unclog it and jump right in to find out.

This will take you to 'World 1-1', a reference to the Super Mario Bros. series, and inside, the blocky terrain is sure to get your nostalgia senses tingling.

There's actually a benefit to visiting this place, too, as the level contains a blueprint for a one-of-a-kind wingsuit. How's that for a rewarding easter egg!

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.