8 Hidden Video Game Modes You Never Knew About

2. Richter Mode - Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night

spider man ps1

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a wholesome and rewarding enough game as it is. Playing as Alucard gives you the whole of Dracula's castle to explore at your own pace, and, if the right conditions are met, you then get to do it all again, except upside-down, and with all-new enemies and items.

However, Alucard isn't the only playable character in the game. With but a simple extra step before jumping into a new playthrough, you can relive the whole epic adventure as the introductory level's protagonist, Richter Belmont!

How, you ask? When starting a new game, simply name your profile 'RICHTER', and there you go, a whole new playstyle and powerups for you to mess around with in Casa del Count.

True, Richter does not level up like Alucard did, and his weapon of choice is limited to his signature whip, but don't let that put you off, because playing as the legendary vampire slayer adds greatly to the depth of the game's story, letting you see his own ascent to Dracula's lair before Alucard does the same four years later.

Now you know, feel free to whoosh and whoo-pah your way around the place to your heart's content.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.