8 Horror Video Games That Broke The 4th Wall

6. Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2

The Dead Space franchise is probably the last place you'll be expecting to find a fourth-wall breaking moment, as it's so invested in telling the horrifying tale of Isaac Clarke and keeping you hooked that it seems like it would come at the detriment of its narrative.

However, Dead Space 2 is a master of horror and uses a fourth wall break to truly unsettle the player. It's not a grandiose moment like some others on this list, but thanks to Stross, it's a chilling moment to say the least.

Stross has been driven mad by hallucinations of his dead family, and as the game progresses these get worse and worse. Becoming detached from his reality he begins to ramble about things beyond their existence, and in a single moment looks directly down the lens of the camera and tells the player to "stop looking at me".

It's a brief moment, but it's one that makes you aware of all the other times Stross's eyes flitted over to you while he spoke with Isaac, seemingly inferring that he knew you were there the entire time.

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Dead Space 2
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