8 Huge Video Game Announcements That Just Leaked Ahead Of E3 2017

6. Assassin's Creed: Origins

assassin's creed egypt

Another one that actually appeared way back in January 2016, it seems all the details that were initially met with a "Hmm, that'd be cool... if it's true" reaction are now being legitimised, thanks to a screenshot from within Ubisoft leaking very recently:

Assassin's creed origins leak

Check out this high-res image to see that the mission text in the top-left is mentioning "Khenut's villa", as Khenut was the real-world Queen of Egypt, confirming that this time round, we're heading to Ancient Egypt circa 2400 BC. This 'rumour' is a given being the original leak mentioned a 2017 release date, and Ubisoft wanted to give the franchise a break for a year, as AC Unity was quite the tire fire back in 2015.

Story-wise, if the remaining details are true, we're getting a prequel that'll delve into the very formation of the Templars and the Assassin Order, the Ubisoft dev saying the time period offered a substantial amount of freedom to experiment with weapons, items, clothing etc.

We'll also apparently have access to a pet eagle that can scout out places ahead, horses and boats are back, and there'll be a focus on using interiors as integral parts of the campaign.

Like Arkham, it's up in the air whether people actually want more Assassin's Creed, but time will tell as to whether this is an AC 2, or another AC U.

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