8 Incredibly Dark Video Game Secrets You Wish You Never Found

4. The Winter Lodge - Fable 2

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When you think of the Fable series, you likely think of two things most prominently. The first is the fact that each of the tales are beautifully charming odes to children's fantasy tales, and the other is that Peter Molyneux is the biggest !*$% artist in the business.

However, one thing you probably didn't think Fable as being was a pure horror simulator, but that's totally what it becomes in the nightmarish secret area "The Winter Lodge" which can be found in Fable 2. Throughout the title, as became a trope of the series, you will find mystical talking doors, all of which require you to perform actions or present them with objects they demand in order to open.

They're worth tracking down and unlocking as each contains a bevy of secrets and weapons, yet The Winter Lodge also gifts you with another trinket, namely the inability to sleep for weeks after.

Cheers for that.

How it achieves this is deliciously simple. The player enters a winter wonderland, complete with gently falling snow and a large cabin that pushes out a warming glow from within. However as soon as the player crosses the threshold, the illusion of the cabin breaks, and all you are left with is the rotting frame of a house long abandoned.

What transpired here is anyone's guess. Something the owners were murdered, others that it burned down from within. Yet you might not be concerned with such questions and instead find yourself consumed by the deafening silence from within. It's enough to make the blood run cold.


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