8 Incredibly Weird Stats Video Games Keep Track Of

3. Dead Rising 2 - Having A Zombie Fall In Your Own Vomit

Fallout Corpse

I mean, look at that title heading - how could I not include this on a list of this nature?

The very fact that someone, at some point in the development of the utterly brilliant Dead Rising 2 thought to themselves, "hey, you know if Chuck drinks too much he'll throw up? What if we made the sick itself slippy enough that he or anyone else will Benny Hill themselves to the ground like an utter tit?" will never not be funny to me. Nor will the act of actually seeing it play out.

There's nothing quite like the sight of our hero riding the yellow river straight to the floor, especially if it happens while he's talking about how his little girl needs her Zombrex, and things only get better when you manage to lure a zombie into the same predicament.

The poor creature has a bad enough life as it is, but now its overwhelming desire to eat flesh has been overridden by the sheer shame of being covered in some bloke's vomit, likely mere seconds before being torn in two or having a marital aid shoved down its throat. Yeah, Dead Rising, is a weird franchise.

Still, do this and you can net yourself a trophy, as well as see the stat tracked in the game's back end.

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