8 More Iconic Video Game Weapons

4. Dual Silverballers (Hitman)

Mortal Kombat 11 Scorpion
IO Interactive

Agent 47 soared back into form with the recent "world of assassination" trilogy and IO Interactive have undoubtedly recaptured the magic within its beloved franchise. Each mission throughout the trilogy has been a giant murderous playground to lose hours upon hours in.

It's obvious though that something was missing. I kept wondering when I'd be able to get the pair back together, I mean, I had one of his iconic pistols throughout. But I was never able to dual wield them at all. This is such an obvious oversight that it's almost heresy. When I think of Hitman I think of three things... barcodes, fibre wire and a pair of silverballers.

47's iconic pistols were his party peice which gave him a frightening amount of firepower that he wielded silently. He looked badass while donning them too. Slightly older gamers will remember the frankly beautiful ragdoll effects that were present in older Hitman games as well which made them laugh-a-minute weapons.

The silverballers were so fun they managed to make me forgo stealth for entire playthroughs just so I could blast FBI agents into all sorts of hard to reach places... they're iconic and sorely missed.


An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete