8 More Iconic Video Game Weapons

2. The Hammer (Donkey Kong/Super Smash Bros)

Mortal Kombat 11 Scorpion

Nintendo are masters of fun, satisfying gameplay that stands the test of time. Thanks in part to the fact their franchises are often filled with unforgettable ways of dispatching baddies. Uniquely the favourites of these are often then incorporated into the popular Super Smash Bros. games.

The mayhem of Smash is where one of the most powerful weapons, in any Nintendo franchise, comes into its own. The Hammer is almost as old as gaming itself. It first appeared in the almost ethereal arcade classic Donkey Kong (1981) so it's proven staying power far outdoes practically any other weapon in gaming history. However, it's best known today as an absolute game changer in Super Smash Bro's.

It creates a look of complete terror that contorts your face as soon as you hear the attached... impossibly catchy jingle. So much so you'll scramble to every possible map edge to get away from anyone using it.

If you do manage to best your friends in the scramble to wield it though you're in for a real good time. Remember to smile from ear to ear as your friends run, often pointlessly, away from you before they're rocketed into the stratosphere.


An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete