8 More Secret Game Over Screens That Were Total Genius

2. South Park: The Stick Of Truth - Walk Away From Mr. Slave

South Park: The Stick of Truth is most certainly a game that likes to push players beyond their comfort zone. Hell, in certain countries Ubisoft's RPG was banned because it featured scenes where fans could anal probe Randy and throw up on an aborted foetus.

However, at one point in the title the developers did give players the option to opt out of one of its most disgusting moments. In order to save the world, one level forces you to shrink down to ant size and jump into Mr. Slave's hairy arse, adventure up his colon and flick a switch that's somehow located inside his bowls.

If you don't fancy being the one who has to embark on this excursion though, you can decline the offer and walk straight out the door. Of course, there is the small problem of the fate of the whole world being at stake, and as soon as you leave you're treated to a nuclear explosion obliterating the entire planet, followed by the iconic South Park theme and end credits.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3