8 More Video Games Better Than The Movie They're Based On

3. Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue

the mummy demastered

So let's get something crystal clear, Toy Story 2 is an incredible movie, easily being one of the greatest Disney and Pixar have ever concocted.

What could have been a lazy sequel is presented as a truly heartfelt tale of heartache, rejection, and ultimately acceptance, something which the franchise continued to mine over and over with less and less success?

Therefore how could a game come along and top all of this? Well, Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue found a way, and all because nobody expected the game to be as good as it was! Seriously review outlets were predicting this to be another dose of slop into the "kids will buy anything" trough, but this pig swill was proven to be bacon made of gold when it dropped on the market.

With at the time brilliant graphics, tough but rewarding platforming sections, and a brilliant idea to flesh out the "in-between" scenes the movie left out, this feels less like a companion piece and more a love letter to the franchise.

Plus, you were playing as the one and only Buzz Lightyear, meaning you had access to all his blinky light, kung-fu grip abilities, and last time I checked that made him the coolest toy around.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.