8 More Video Games Better Than The Movie They're Based On

2. Dragon Ball Evolution

the mummy demastered

So, IGN once called this game "a piece of trash" and a "disaster burned to UMD" and when you take even the tiniest glance over at the skip fire in question, it's easy to see how Dragonball Evolution for the PSP earned this "accolades"

However, and I say this with ultimate peace and love, despite this game being not fit to blow my arse on, it is still better than the abomination that was the DBZE film. Seriously if you've never seen it, do yourself and favor and continue to live with the serenity such a choice has benefitted you with.

It is genuinely stunning that a project with this amount of content to draw on and with this amount of goodwill failed so spectacularly, butchering beloved characters, botching what should have been climactic fights, and setting up for a sequel that thankfully never came.

And so when your fighting game barely works, looks like it was built with the unused assets for A Dogs Life on PS2, and is about as deep as a shallow grave, it's still going to be better than a film that should have been put down like the mangy mutt it is.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.