8 Most Beautiful (But Deadly) Areas In Video Games

4. Blood Kelp Zone - Subnautica

Red Dead Redemption 2 Deer
Unknown Worlds

Is there a single game as paradoxically beautiful and terrifying as Subnautica? 

Effectively Thalassophobia: The Game - that's the fear of deep bodies of water - Subnautica allows players to explore its vast underwater biomes while showing them sights alternately enchanting and pant-soiling.

Picking just one area is no easy feat, but the Blood Kelp Zone might fit the bill the best. 

Not unlike Dark Souls' Ash Lake, there's a haunting beauty to its sparseness, punctuated by alluring plant life such as Bloodroots - glowing plants which have blood oil pustules growing on them.

Their bioluminescent glow is tough to resist, but the blood sacs? Ewww.

But those who venture into the northern area of the Blood Kelp Zone will find much worse - aggressive Crabsquids and, worst of all, the Ghost Leviathan, one of the biggest and most powerful creatures in the entire game. So, yeah, good luck with that.

All the same, the Blood Kelp Zone offers eerie tranquility for those bold enough to brave it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.