8 Most Beautiful (But Deadly) Areas In Video Games

3. Snaktooth Island - Bugsnax

Red Dead Redemption 2 Deer
Young Horses

In the deceptively pretty stakes, nothing tops Bugsnax and its central setting, Snaktooth Island.

The game's marketing quite ingeniously sold it as a frankly adorable adventure game in which you're tasked with exploring the island and capturing the titular Bugsnax - insect-like creatures who resemble food.

Yet as vibrant and colourful as Snaktooth Island appears to be, the finale of the game reveals that it's actually laying host to an underbelly of skin-crawling body horror that threatens your very existence.

After finally discovering lost explorer Lizbert - who is now a giant mutated creature made of Bugsnax - it's revealed that the Bugsnax are actually mind-altering parasites which transform anyone who eats enough of them into Bugsnax themselves.

And because that's not disturbing enough, the very end of the game sees the inhabitants of the island desperately fleeing from the Bugsnax, which are now running riot and attacking anyone in sight.

That's... a far cry from what the game sold itself as from the outset, that's for sure.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.