8 Most Beautiful (But Deadly) Areas In Video Games

2. Arcadia - BioShock

Red Dead Redemption 2 Deer
2K Games

Even accepting that BioShock's underwater city of Rapture is a failed utopia, it's still an utterly mesmerising locale to drink in, best distinguished by its stunning Art Deco architecture.

Yet among the more gorgeous areas within Rapture is Arcadia - a serene park getaway adorned in trees, plant life, and flowing water, allowing visitors to get away from the chaos of Rapture's busier areas.

In theory, anyway.

Though Arcadia is relatively in tact compared to the rest of Rapture, its relaxing facade soon enough crumbles away, as it's where the game introduces a terrifying new type of Splicer - the Houdini Splicer. 

Houdini Splicers can not only use offensive Plasmids against you, but they can also evaporate and reform elsewhere in the area, making them a little tricky to take down.

Of course this wondrous hideaway couldn't just provide players with some soothing respite from all the chaos elsewhere in Rapture - it's gotta be infested with teleporting murderous maniacs.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.