8 Next-Level Video Game Plot Twists That Changed EVERYTHING

2. It WAS The End Of The World - Far Cry 5

far cry 5

The jury's out on whether Far Cry 6 will make meaningful changes to the increasingly tired formula of "crazy cult leader talks to you in first-person before you take them down after 50 hours of climbing towers", but Far Cry 5 at least tried... something with its narrative.

I say "something" because before launch it was this lightning rod of potential commentary on the underbelly of American extremism. Cut to when we all played though, and Joseph Seed was yet another monologuing villain with a zombie-like following, the only thing elevating him being that he was adamant the world was ending.

Hours of bullets and bodies later, as you try and take him into custody... he was right.

A rogue nuclear explosion goes off behind him as Seed stares your character in the face, the environment goes from American mid-west to all-out apocalypse with falling debris and burning trees in seconds.

Providing you didn't choose the "leave" ending beforehand, Far Cry 5 closes out with you and Seed trapped in an underground bunker, awaiting the end of days.

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Far Cry 5
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