8 Next-Level Video Game Plot Twists That Changed EVERYTHING

1. You're The Baby And Mads Mikkelsen Is Your Dad - Death Stranding

death stranding
Kojima Productions

The more distance we get from Death Stranding, the more the whole thing felt like one big fever dream.

A large-scale hiking simulator filled with everybody from Conan O'Brian to Geoff Keighley, where in between throwing poop and blood grenades at ghosts you could take showers and rock a baby to sleep with your controller.

Oh, and it's also a human species-wide commentary on the inevitability of extinction wiping us off the face of the planet, so you best get to embracing the person next to you, because who knows what's going to happen tomorrow.

Yes, Hideo Kojima's first post-Konami solo project felt every bit like an experimental jazz album his main outfit would never allow, and it closes out with the time-bending reveal that you ARE the baby you've been carrying around.

The explanation is complete insanity, involving baby Norman Reedus being shot in the past, the Amelie character reviving his spirit, some time and space shenanigans then lining things back up in the present, but also the baby was always Mads Mikkelsen's son, and the reason he's called Cliff, is because old Norman going back in time "saved him from going over a metaphorical cliff".

I for one, both love and hate Death Stranding for the exact same reasons.


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