8 One Shot Kill Weapons That Fail At Their Job

5. Experimental MIRV - Fallout 3

Red Dea Redemption Undead Nightmare
Bethesda Softworks

On paper, the prospect of wielding a glorified mini-nuke shotgun might sound awesome, because as it goes without saying, such a weapon is turning anything in the vicinity into a mere smoking crater. And in the merciless, post-apocalyptic world of Fallout, that's especially appealing.

But of course, physics being what they are, the insta-death radius also inevitably includes you, as anyone who's fired Fallout 3's Experimental MIRV has surely learned for themselves.

Because the eight mini-nukes fired by the MIRV all have their own individual physics patterns, it's extremely easy for one of the nukes to get deflected and end up exploding back at your feet, instantly reducing you to a charred husk.

Correctly aiming the MIRV, free of obstructions and high enough from the ground, is much tougher than you might think, and so it's basically a dice roll as to whether or not you end up hoist by your own hilariously gratuitous petard.

Given how comically over-the-top the MIRV's damage output is - far in excess of anything you'll likely need in combat - in almost all situations the life-or-death gamble really isn't worth it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.