8 One Shot Kill Weapons That Fail At Their Job

4. Killstar - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Red Dea Redemption Undead Nightmare

Far Cry 3's neon-splashed expansion Blood Dragon is a damn riot that can't ever be accused of taking itself too seriously.

And one of its most memorably kickass weapons is the Killstar - an immensely powerful laser weapon which can kill almost all enemies in the game near-instantly, while having incredible range and accuracy to boot.

But of course there's a drawback to a weapon so awesome - a very personal price to pay, even. Instead of requiring conventional ammunition, the Killstar is powered by you - or more accurately, it gains its power by draining your health as you use it.

Now in fairness, the health drain isn't that bad and you should have oodles of health by the point where you get your hands on the Killstar, but even so, if you're not paying attention in the heat of battle, you might come unstuck.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.