8 One Shot Kill Weapons That Fail At Their Job

3. Plasma Launcher - No Man's Sky

Red Dea Redemption Undead Nightmare
Hello Games

Not unlike Fallout 3's Experimental MIRV, No Man's Sky's Plasma Launcher is a weapon with astoundingly destructive potential, matched only by the prospect of life-ending splash damage.

A fully upgraded Plasma Launcher can kill most of the game's enemies, such as Sentinels, in a single hit, but there's one major drawback - the ammo's tendency to bounce.

If you fail to make a direct hit on an enemy, the plasma shell has a tendency to bounce off any surface it impacts with, quite possibly ending up back in your face just before it explodes, killing you.

This pissed some players off enough that the modding community even created a revised Plasma Launcher with its bounce characteristics removed, ensuring you no longer needed to be mindful of your own safety when letting loose.

All the same, when played as developer Hello Games intended, the Plasma Launcher is largely more trouble than it's worth.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.