8 Overpowered Video Game Starter Weapons That Broke EVERYTHING

6. Starter Pokémon - Pokémon Gen 1

Silverballers Hitman

While defining a Pokemon as a "weapon" might be the sort of thing that gets PETA's Lawyers absolutely salivating, there's no denying that the approach to damage dealing in the franchise, the only thing hitting harder than this is when Ash was turned to stone in the first movie.

I'm not crying, you are!

And when it comes to the myriad of pocket monsters at your disposal, while you can select from flying lightning birds, psychic spoon benders, and of course SOME EGGS, many people have at least one spot etched out for their starter Pokemon as if we're being honest, they can become horrendously overpowered.

Not only will your little buddy usually end up being the strongest due to getting a beefy dose of EXP during your quest, but most of the time will evolve into something that looks like it could take on Godzilla in a Kaiju battle to end all Kaiju battles.

Gen 1 was particularly broken in this regard, letting players who chose Squirtle dowse the hopes of Gym Leaders and spank them with vines should they choose Bulbasaur.

Even Charmander who struggles slightly against the first two Gyms, utterly wrecked shop when it evolved, and come the late game would be setting the entire world on fire as a buffed-up Charizard.

There was literally no bad choice in the bunch, and barely anyone would be able to stop you.

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