8 Overpowered Video Game Starter Weapons That Broke EVERYTHING

2. The Heavy Pistol - Saints Row IV

Silverballers Hitman
Deep Silver

Now here's the thing, as we've covered before with Halo and Titanfall, sometimes a sidearm can end up being an absolutely stunning sideman when it comes to obliterating your enemies in short order. However, the Heavy Pistol from Saints Row IV doesn't have a super magnification magnum scope, or high tech wizardry making sure all your bullets land, but instead offers something much more in keeping with the franchise it's from.

AKA, it fires explosive rounds. Very quickly. With Infinite Ammo.

Oh, and the gun can also be dual-wielded. I'm sorry what? Who poured an entire case of Buckfast Abbey Tonic Wine on the gameplay here because this has just turned the experience into a drunken mess!

No starter weapon should offer this level of destructive power as it utterly humiliates even late-game rifles and machine guns! The explosive effect alone renders this hand cannon as a rude crude death delivery dude, but the fact that it can be dual-wielded and can never run out of ammo makes you into a whirling dervish of destruction.

Which in all fairness, is what Saints Row is all about.

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