8 Pieces Of DLC That Totally Screwed Gamers

5. Upgrade Bikini - Dream Club Zero

This title is essentially a dating simulator. It takes place in a Japanese hostess club, a place for men to go to look at and flirt with scantily clad women. Dream Club Zero literally allows you to pay to spend time with virtual hostesses, then, while you try to get in their good books. The DLC available for customers to download is made up of a variety of different outfits for the girls. Now this game is far from the only one that looks to sell cosmetic outfits. Oblivion brought us horse armour, whilst Gears of War 3 had a huge collection of weapons skins available to buy. What sets Dream Club Zero apart though is one particular outfit you can buy: "Upgrade Bikini" is the most expensive add-on you can purchase and it simply increases the size of the hostesses' breasts. Charging to boost the bust of virtual girls is really taking advantage of the players. You can understand to a certain extent the price for entirely new costumes, as they take some time to design and implement. But this DLC would have been knocked up in almost no time at all, and was clearly released just to make some quick money. It probably worked, too.

A sport, gaming and fiction enthusiast, I particularly enjoy Formula 1, rugby, tennis, athletics and football.