8 Powerful Video Game Enemies That Became Weak Playable Characters

2. Nearly All Of The Cast - Dynasty Warriors Franchise

metal gear rising

Ok so it might sound like a bit of a cop-out, but seriously if you're talking about AI to player power downgrades then pretty much all of the Dynasty Warriors cast fits the bill, as in the hands of the computer these can be some of the most challenging and downright unfair fights in all of gaming.

I mean for Christ's sake, these enemy officers can bloody circle strafe which I know doesn't sound like much but trust me on higher difficulties when one or two hits can spell your end, this extra degree of maneuverability is an insane advantage.

Each officer will also be rocking their trademark weapon as well as sometimes straight-up tanking damage without breaking their combos, yet when you unlock these warriors of legend you might think a few chapters are missing as now they're rocking a pair of twigs and have the endurance of an ant with respiratory issues.

Lu Bu is the chief offender of these downgrades by far, as when he's being controlled by the computer he's a near unstoppable force who will flatly refuse to be stunned by the player and cut you in two with just a hard glance. When fully leveled up after unlocking he still pales in comparison to this wall of brutality, although maybe this is a concession on behalf of the devs that no sole gamer should wield this much power.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.