8 Reasons Even Hardcore Fans Are Giving Up On Assassin's Creed

2. There's No Wow-Factor Any More

Do you remember the last time firing up an AC game resulted in a feeling of genuine fun, originality and an overwhelming sensation that you were venturing into uncharted territory? Of course not, as despite Black Flag's high seas combat (the breadth of which you'd mastered within minutes) and Unity's jaw-dropping visuals, that once-unique ability to effortlessly leap up a tall building and drink in the setting sun before returning to knife someone in the carotids is completely gone. Back in 2007 we'd never known free-form exploration like what AC was offering, and the fact Ubi were touting "Any outcrop of geometry, you can use to climb" was absolutely incredible. It meant getting up top and planning an assassination felt original - despite someone like Tenchu doing it previously - but since then there's been barely any attempt to expand on this core idea.
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