8 Reasons The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Should Be Bethesda's Next Remaster

6. The Most Interesting Quests In The Series

elder scrolls oblivion

Quests in Skyrim tended to be a little dull. Go here, talk to NPC, raid dungeon, kill boss, talk to NPC, done. They had their moments, but were over all a little boring. Whereas, Oblivion had a whole cavalcade of quests that stick out. Even the simplest of quests that you stumble upon by accident can be some of the most unique and interesting experiences out there.

Sleeping on a boat and finding it hijacked by pirates in the morning, solving the mystery of a missing painting, or fighting alongside Mazoga the Orc. Lots of the quests weren’t afraid to push the boundaries of the game and put the player in a different scenario. Locking the player on the boat while they it was swarmed with pirates, could lead to the player being stuck there, but for the sake of the experience they risked it.

Each quest felt like its own, instead of serving a general formula. And on top of that, there were the guild questlines that each had their own unique twists. The mages guild making you essentially pass exams before getting into the university. Or the thieves’ guild forcing you to make a living stealing before any of the juicy quests came along. The quests were amazingly fun and made the game the deserved title it was. Not being afraid to sacrifice the standard slashing game-play for a more unique experience of a game.

Nearly every quest was brilliant and if that’s not worth a remaster, I don’t know what is.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.