8 Reasons The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Should Be Bethesda's Next Remaster

5. Fix The Faces

elder scrolls oblivion

One of the hallmarks of Oblivion and a feature that almost makes the game, is the poor excuse for faces. Yes, they may have been all the range ten years ago, but they have not aged well at all. It takes some getting used to and can sometimes turn people away, stopping them from experiencing a downright brilliant game.

With some syncing problems and major texturing issues, the game can be horrifying, with most characters looking like plastic. Making a decent-looking character in the creation menu is time-consuming and even then, texturing issues can ruin the rest of the character model, breaking immersion. And in a RPG, immersion is one of the most important things.

For such a great game to be plagued by a relic of past graphical limitations is a crying shame. Especially when the experience behind the bad textures and characters is one of the finest on the PS3. And it’s not that difficult to tweak the character models and lighting, with several mods making the slightest of tweaks to make characters look human.

Remastering Oblivion could be the chance to make the game gorgeous with a few texturing changes and lighting tweaks and make it so the characters weren’t so laughable.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.