8 Reasons The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Should Be Bethesda's Next Remaster

2. The Spell Crafting

elder scrolls oblivion

One of the sorely missed mechanics in Skyrim was the ability to craft your own spells. Using your own prior knowledge of spells, you could combine the effects to create an even more powerful spell. And for a game that had a magic system that lacked a level of depth, Skyrim could have used it. Because not only did it allow the magic in Oblivion to have a depth and complexity to the users wishes, it allowed for some of the single funniest moment in the entire series.

Being able to cast a spell that applied all the offensive powers onto one person and watching them crumble like a pathetic ragdoll was simple divine. Or sending an enemy flying while also putting them into a frenzy and making them invisible. Stupid childish fun. It could be over-powered in the wrong hands, but it made Oblivion and amazing game.

Playing as a wizard was fun and engaging with a multitude of spells that allowed players to really make all spells viable. The game remains as one of the best games to play as a mage and Skyrim simply can’t compete without mods. To that end, the game needs revamped so that that magic system can be experienced again in next gen.

It could also be the chance for magic to be ever so slightly over-hauled, with a system similar to what Skyrim implemented, having magic in your hands instead of a separate power. Hopefully, it would make the magic damn-near perfect.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.