8 Secret Video Game Cutscenes That Change EVERYTHING

2. Do I Really Have To Do It All Again? – Hades

Hades Supergiant Zagreus Cerberus
Supergiant Games

A vibrant new take on the rogue-like formula, Hades does not however, deviant from the brutally punishing death system often experienced in this genre of game. Simply, dying in Hades doesn’t just mean that you go back to a checkpoint, or the start of a level.

No, it means you go RIGHT BACK TO THE BEGINNING.

This means that in order to achieve completion, the player must go through the game flawlessly. No mean feat, it doesn’t even end there.

Mentally exhausted from what you may have once thought impossible, escaping the underworld without once faltering, the cutscene at the end of the game brings all that crashing down.

At the end of the game, Zagreus approaches his mother in an idyllic garden landscape, seemingly free from his tyrannical father. Damningly, she indicates that he cannot stay, and instead must be condemned back to the underworld.

It is only after completing this adventure another nine times that the player gets the full story. Thankfully, Hades is one of the most brutal yet addictive gaming experiences of the last decade.


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