8 Secret Video Game Cutscenes That Change EVERYTHING

1. Sayori Ends Her Life – Doki Doki Literature Club

Sayori Ends Her Life – Doki Doki Literature Club
Team Salvato

On the surface, Doki Doki Literature Club appears to be one of a million innocuous freeware dating sims that you might find littered around. However, the cutesy anime style soon unravels, revealing the Insidious nature of the game lurking within.

On the eve of the schools ‘cultural festival’, characters - including the protagonist - are intending to share poems with one and other.

Here, Sayori discloses that she suffers from depression and confesses her undying love for the player.

The next day, one of the other girls passively shows you a poem which Sayori wrote. In it, she details being plagued by demon voices in her head. The player then rushes to Sayori’s home, only to find her dead, still hanging from the ceiling. The game, in a clang of dissonant tones, abruptly ends.

Creepiest of all, not only will you find all your save data gone, but if you attempt to start a new game, Sayori is glaringly absent. No other character even remembers her.

Amidst unsettlingly glitches and notably disturbing dialogue, Doki Doki Literature Club stands as a testament to the idea that you should never, under any circumstances, judge a book by its cover…


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