8 Secret Video Game Endings That Made You Say 'WHAT?!'

1. The Serious Ending - The Stanley Parable

Shenmue 3
Galactic Cafe

We're all well aware by now that The Stanley Parable is not your typical gaming experience. Far from it in fact, as this title is basically a deconstruction of the very medium while at the same time thumbing its fingers at your so-called "preconceived notions".

It's also a game that doesn't take itself too seriously. Until it most definitely does.

You see even though the game boasts a tonne of ludicrous endings that are sure to make your head spin, it also includes one that acts as both a reward and a punishment. So say you wanted to check out all the endings for yourself but didn't want to replay the game over and over in order to do so.

Well if you're playing the game on PC, you'll likely look up some console commands in order to create specific save states or dive into the files in order to extract info on all the secrets hidden within.

However, in doing so, you're taken to "The Serious Room" aka a room with no exits and just a solitary table in the middle. Here the narrator will lecture you about the ramifications of cheating at great length, and the only way to escape is to restart the game once more.

Hilariously, you can actually input the sv_cheats1 command in multiple times, causing the Narrator to grow more and more frustrated that you're clearly not learning your lesson.

Still, as a secret ending of sorts, it's completely off the wall.

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