8 TERRIBLE Video Game Box Arts That Made You Avoid AMAZING Games
6. Doom (2016)

2016's Doom reboot already had a ton working against it, what with the less-than-stellar pre-release impressions and also Bethesda's decision to withhold review copies from the press until release day.
But perhaps worse still? Giving the game the most generic Action Game box art imaginable.
Our main character standing in a random void head-on and holding a gun, with the game's logo splashed over the top didn't really dissuade many that Bethesda was half-assing this new entry into the beloved FPS franchise.
These days we'd probably say this is key art that looks like it was spat out by a particularly unfussed AI, but back in 2016 it was just "let's appeal to the dudebro gamers as aggressively as possible" while totally ignoring that it's set in both Mars and Hell.
Ultimately Doom 2016 released to rave reviews and proved to be a far more successful reinvention of the series than anyone could've surely anticipated.
And as some icing on the cake, those who did buy the game regardless of the box art swiftly discovered that Bethesda included a reversible cover, allowing players to swap this slop out for a far cooler, Hell-centric cover.