8 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About God Of War

6. Gear And Crafting Only Become Important In The Endgame

God Of War

One of the most pleasantly surprising aspects of the new God of War was how committed it was to its RPG elements. Where most titles would be content to throw in features like skill trees, loot and crafting because, well, every game has those things these days, Santa Monica Studios put some real thought into how to make these elements deep and rewarding.

However, you could argue that the crafting and gear system they came up with was actually too complex for its own good. You can get lost in the minutia of stats and upgrades for your weapons and armour while you're progressing, but because the game never really requires you to get to know this system until the endgame, you'll probably miss just how important it is.

Players can breeze through the story without having to worry about their gear, which is fine, but it really puts them on the back foot for the endgame. Tackling the other realms and other Valkyries demands that you wring the most out of this system, often saving the best loot for the title's final hours and making you change your loadout depending on the situation.

Unfortunately, by doubling down on it then, it makes the past 20 hours seem a bit like wasted potential, and you only get the best items when there's nothing left to do.

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God of War
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3