8 Times YOU Changed Video Games

4. Chaos Or Order - Splatoon 3

gears of war carmine

Whether you're a kid now or a squid now, everyone enjoys a good bit of Splatoon action.

From the desperate struggles to keep areas covered in your team colors to the exhilarating rush to slip and slide around the environment and pop out to attack enemies, the Splatoon franchise scratches an itch that very few else could even try and emulate which in turn has helped it to build one hell of a community.

And it's this community that was suddenly faced with a rather daunting prospect when Splatoon 2 entered its final stages of online play. In what was touted as the final Splatfest ever, fans were presented with a choice between "Order or Chaos" with the resulting victories and defeat being tracked for each team.

Yet this went beyond just being a mere event gimmick, as it was revealed with the release of Splatoon 3 that the winning force, in this case, Chaos, would actually be used to shape the aesthetics and tone of the new game.

By taking part in a game they loved, fans had actively shaped the course of the very franchise, and now Splatsville is listed in the game as "A city of Chaos" with outrageous designs to match!


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.